...Literally I did not see the car coming and so I was that much more surprised when it came sliding into my leg as I stepped into the street. The good news is that all of the important stuff like my back, my neck, my lungs, my heart - all of that is relatively unscathed. The great news is that I have the best friends in the whole universe. So while being on the receiving end of a hit & run accident and left on the side of the road has its obvious drawbacks, even this can turn into something truly enjoyable with the right people. For two days while I wait for surgery, I have been sat on a couch marveling endlessly at this assembly of goodwill and community and especially the uniquely wonderful generous and caring souls who are by my side keeping me smiling through the thick of it. I assure you, I love you more, and I will post news on the recovery after the surgery. For now, the European tour is Ufficially cancelled and I am in the best of hands with a guitar on my lap, channeling all the love that I am so grateful to receive into music, dreams and healing.